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As promised here is the recipe for the Bilss Balls I provided at the Meditation workshops. Bliss Balls are a great small, healthy snack that are equally delicious. Feel free to experiment with this recipe by mixing and matching other healthy ingredients such as; nuts, seeds, coconut and dried fruits.

Ingredients (may vary depending of consistency)

- 1kg dried Dates soaked & drained

- 1 to 2 cups Almond Meal

- 1/2 to 3/4 cup Cacao

- Pinch Sea Salt

- 1 cup crushed Peanuts (or any nut of choice)


Blend soaked Dates then add remaining ingredients. Roll into balls and coat in shredded Coconut or Cacao and store in freezer. Choices of ingredients are endless Protein Powder, Cinnamon, gourmet Nuts etc. Enjoy!

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